What Anti-Aging Products are Right for Me?

Every year of your life is marked by experiences and memories, but unfortunately, sometimes that means signs of aging. Everyone experiences this inevitable wear and tear on their skin, but there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to reducing the effects of aging. To help turn back the clock, you’ve got to narrow down the results you’re searching for and decide which route you’d like to go to attain the best results for your individual needs. Continue reading to learn which anti-aging products are right for you. 


 The majority of aging signs present themselves as wrinkles, sun spots, loose, transparent and dry rough skin or other imperfections. No single product will remedy everything, so it’s essential to narrow down what you’re targeting to improve.  To find products that will meet your needs for age-defying it is important to know your individual skin characteristics. Do you have dry or oily skin? Do you struggle with breakouts? Do you have an uneven skin tone? These questions can help guide your choice in skincare products to address your needs.  If you are unsure of what type of skin you have, read our blog, What Skin Type Do I Have?



Just like every good skin care regimen, you should always start with sunscreen. Sunscreen is the most important factor in helping your skin slow the aging process and appear youthful. The earlier someone begins regularly using sunscreen, the less damage they will see to their skin. However, it’s never too late to incorporate the protective and moisturizing qualities of daily-use sunscreen, and if you don’t already incorporate it into your daily morning routine, we recommend you start doing so.

It’s also important to decrease exposure to the sun, as it contributes to the premature aging of skin and wrinkles. The sun’s peak hours take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and it is recommended to seek out shaded areas and avoid direct sunlight during this time. These actions minimize your chances of accumulating immediate ultraviolet radiation exposure. 


Repair your skin with retinol for anti-aging benefits. Using retinol can help reduce your fine lines and wrinkles and increase the production of collagen. Additionally, retinol can be used as a preventive option for pre-cancers like actinic keratosis. You can shop for our retinol products here.


The formation of free radicals is widely accepted by scientists as a mechanism leading to aging skin. Free radicals, which are formed from the sun, pollution, stress and smoking, damage the DNA of the cell, which can lead to premature aging and skin cancer.

In addition, the production of free radicals increases with age, while our defense mechanisms that counter them decrease. This imbalance leads to the progressive damage of cellular structures, and thus, results in accelerated aging and possible skin cancer. Topical antioxidants are available in multivariate combinations through over-the-counter skin care products that are aimed at preventing the clinical signs of photoaging. At the Dermatology Center for Skin Health, PLLC, we offer many different types of antioxidants. If you are unsure of which antioxidant to incorporate into your skin care routine, read our blog, Which Antioxidant is Best for You?


Last but not least is moisturizer. Moisturizing your skin helps provide temporary plumpness that gives the appearance of more youthful skin. Some moisturizers also contain other components that provide benefits from anti-inflammatory, astringent and exfoliating ingredients. ​​By moisturizing your face daily, you can reduce your chance of having dry or oily skin. When applying moisturizer to your face, use a circular motion. The massaging effect will help stimulate blood flow and encourage cell generation.

Essentially, products with active ingredients that target tone, texture and wrinkles will help your skin appear younger. These products range from one to several active ingredients that work to help your skin develop a refreshed glow. You just have to decide what you’re targeting, and then begin trying products that contain the active ingredients that have the right qualities to suit your needs.


Less is more

Even if you’re trying to target several skin issues, a long list of ingredients doesn’t necessarily suit your needs. A cluttered list of ingredients tends to open the door for irritation and redness that can result in damage, making your skin appear older than it is. Stick to a few good-quality products that can help enhance your skin and treat different skin issues.

Consistency is key

Keeping up with your skin through protection and moisturizing is a great way to keep that youthful glow for years to come. If you find the right mixture of products for your individual needs, continue to use your regimen, as your skin will thank you with a healthy, youthful glow.

Wrinkle creams aren’t a facelift

It’s unrealistic to expect your skin to shed years of age from using a cosmetic product. However, you can still see improvement and continue to protect and nourish your skin with skin healthy products that are right for your skin type.


Cosmetic anti-aging products are excellent ways to help your skin appear younger and healthier but should be formulated with ingredients that are right for you. Our skilled team is ready to help you reclaim your youth and build confidence with the help of experienced professionals and high-quality treatment options that are right for your skin. If you are interested in a complimentary skin care consultation with our Clinical Cosmetic Specialist, Karen or would like to know what products and treatments are available to you, give us a call at (304) 598-3888 or click here. We look forward to hearing from you!

With more than 20 years of experience, the Dermatology Center for Skin Health, PLLC’s purpose is to inform and assist patients as they make care decision regarding the health and beauty of their skin.

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Picture of Written by Dermatology Center for Skin Health, PLLC

Written by Dermatology Center for Skin Health, PLLC

Our priority is to deliver complete, compassionate care to our patients while educating and assisting them as they make care decisions regarding the health and beauty of their skin.

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